Rawsome Food
"Rawsome Food is for me alive and virbant food that supports your life rather then draging you down".Zooey Maha
Rawsome Food is here to inspire you to eat healthy and to eat food the supports you journey through life. Food shall be your medicine and for your pleasure!
Your are probably (until we invent some-nutrition-food-stuff that you inject, that is actually good for you) going to eat for the rest of you life, you might as well make the best out of it, get used to it and enjoy it to the fullest.
And start enjoying preparing and eating food and most of all invest in your own health with what you put in your body-bank every single day!
I am person that is not particular happy about boxes. Boxes for storage can be quite useful and as a organized-system-freak I love boxes. But I do not like to put people, emotions, thoughts and other things in boxes ( I still do sometime, as human being I love to put a label on everything so I have control, but I try to enjoy the excitement of not knowing).Anyway....
I am not fanatic about Rawfood, nor am I against meat or preach about one magic diet. Don`t put me in a box. If it is a colorful, open box with magic and endless possibilities then I am fine by being put in that box. If not I am not happy in the box.
I am for finding out what works for me and sharing that and only that. It might work for you. It might not.
Some things we all can agree on is that organic, pesticide-free, sugar free, not processed food and fresh fruit and vegetable is healthy for you. What you do with the rest is up to you.
I can only invite you to listen to your body and inspire you to add some life, color and adventure on your (life) plate.
Zooey Maha
My journey with food.
Food has always been interesting to me, I love to eat and for me to make food is even more fun.
To experiment with food still brings me joy, frustrations and a good laugh, especially when thing don`t work out the way I want them to. But most of the time I end up feeding someone belly, bringing joy to their body and hearts. This fills me with love, inspiration and joy. Especially when I prepare something really healthy and alive for my 3-year-old daughter, the joy is huge when she loves it. Then the tears and the sweat is worth it, hihi.
As a teenager I soon learned how much I could eat without gaining weight, what was "healthy" and what not. What I learned about food was quiet influence by commercials, magazines and the constant search for this unnatural body ideal. And to gain that I became bulimic, anorectic or just ate food that where low on nutrition but high on energy(and fillers) such as coffee, white bread, cottage cheese, chocolate and not to mention cigarets.
But really what I learned was so poorly and I knew nothing about how to prepare really healthy food that gave me energy, nice skin, a sharp mind, that tasted good, was completely natural and most important for me a diet that would help me loose weigh/keep my weigh at a natural level.
At the age of 19 I literally starved myself and drained my body from all nutrition. I was overweight, malnourished, had a poor diet, unhealthy habits and a seriously f**ked up relationship to food, body ideals and myself. I was in a downward spiral of negativity, I hated my body, wanted to by skinnier, so I felt bad and then I ate too much, too little or something that gave me pleasure for a short time.Then I felt even worse, puked or ate nothing for the next days until I could not hold it and then I ate a lot.
I gained weigh because of the not eating, comfort-eating and trowing up. I was at my biggest with 75 kg, what doesn´t sound that much, but for me, that normally where between 55-60kg, its was a lot of extra.The proportions made it look really unhealthy and to me unsexy. I had skinny legs and arms but my belly looked like a life-saving ring and my face was seriously twice the size.
I have always have had a sharp and fast mind. I memorized a lot of data (I knew every phone number on my phone approximately 100) I used it to discover things about my self and to find solution, I would say I was quite intelligent.
It was very difficult for me to loose the ability to focus on different things at the same time, to listen to someone and remember what they where talking about and to even form a sentence in my mind or even speak it out, was at one point completely impossible. This is something that I have let dragged me down, I have never talk about it to someone until today (may, 2013). I was to embarrassed that I could not complete a sentence in my mind, I could not think about anything more complex then " I am hungry, I want to go for a walk". But thinking a logical sentence and trying to figure out what was wrong with me was almost impossibly. I felt stupid and worthless. And I didnt know why and what I could do about it. The doctors would tell me its because I get older, because I am mother and in mothering-bubble, that it would pass. But it didn't.
In 2007 I stopped eating gluten and dairy, soon after that my life changed dramatically.
My mood swings became less frequent and less extreme, my migraine got better.
My negative thought about myself were reduced, obsessions were less extreme until they where completly gone in 2008. Brain fog, concentration and focusing where getting better and better.
In 2010 I could finally remember a phone number by heart again.What a joy to remember my own pin code!
My skin became softer, more alive and all of the cellulite went away. And on top of that I lost the excess bodyweight and found my ideal.
I lost weight, I didn´t have the need for comfort food.
Late 2012 after struggling with depression I stopped completely to eat sugar and when all natural, meaning only vegetable, some fruit and organic meat and fish. No E-numbers. No sugar, No nasty stuff.
All my suicidal and dark thoughts went away. I was feeling lighter and happier (of course I can feel down sometimes.Life is not about being happy all them time, but I don´t feel down 24/7)
In 2013 I went vegan, did juice cleanses and ate almost completely raw.
My body looks and feels great. But most importantly my mind is not that f**k up any more.
With more exercise I feel more alive then ever and I have more energy then ever before.